NaPoWriMo – Day 17

This morning
I opened the shade
of the window in the kitchen.
It’s never opened.

There was
A certain slant of light.
Not a winter slant
Like Emily’s.  A Spring slant.

The room
Was light in a new
Way,  through the green
Of freshly budding trees.

Some one
Will come along
to shut the shade
To protect our privacy.

For now
The masterpiece of green,
And the certain slant.
Are mine to enjoy.

NaPoWriMo Day 12. Things I Will Never Say (but probably should)

Today’s prompt was, “I challenge you to “write a poem consisting entirely of things you’d like to say, but never would, to a parent, lover, sibling, child, teacher, roommate, best friend, mayor, president, corporate CEO, etc.” Honesty is the best policy, after all, so get it off your chest!

Dear past loves,

I’m sorry.
I lied.
I cheated.
I was selfish.
I’m not sorry.
I called the cops.
I left.
I changed.

I’m sorry.
I was needy.
I was emotional.
I let you string me along..
I’m not sorry.
You broke up with me.
I was heartbroken.
I healed.

I’m sorry.
I broke your heart.
I was broken
And didn’t know.
I’m not sorry.
I really thought I loved you.
I realized it wouldn’t work.
Then said goodbye.

I’m sorry.
I used you.
You were the collateral damage
Of summer heartbreak.
I disappeared.
To you I’m really just sorry.

Maya Angelou says,
“When you know better,
You do better.”

I know better.

NaPoWriMo – Day 10 (But only poem #6)

I fell a little off writing a poem a day; I did read poetry though!

The prompt for day 10 was to write a poem of un-like.

I had fun writing the notes for this poem. I’m starting to see that the hand written poetry journal I started as tool to help me to start writing these poems is more valuable than the poems. I will end this not with a wealth of good poems but a bounty of good poem nuggets.

I dropped a penny
And kept walking.

I forgot your face
And kept walking.

Apathy is the thin line
Between hate and love.

NaPoWriMo -Day 5. A Late Cinquain

A little late here.  Yesterday on a walk I was inspired to use the prompt to write a cinquain about the arrival of Spring.  I wrote some notes; ended my day in bed working on it and fell asleep while working on it.  I finished it this morning…

Spring blooms
With morning rain
That quenches thirsty buds
Birds announce to all in proud song
Spring blooms

NaPoWriMo – Day 4


I’m not feeling much like Poetry today so I decided to do some stream of consciousness writing.  I’m doing some internal work confronting  closet ghosts I have and maybe this might help me with the archeology of self.

Almost halfway through this life
Not quit middle age – I hope
The impression of the past reads like a novel in my brain
What is true?  What is fabrication?  What is missing?
Was that really my life,
Or a dream,
Or nightmare?
Looking back I try to recall
I wish I hadn’t burned my diaries
Angst filled memories ..
Written with my own hand.
When I set them on fire I didn’t want to remember. 
Now I wish I had something to help me fill up the holes in my memory bucket.
Even if they were tinged with my ego filled ranting.
Memories forgotten,  conveniently
Or erased with methodical precision?

I created a fantasy world when I was young
Spent some time living a lie;
Or multiple lies as I grew a little older.
Today I live truth every single day.
Or try.
Now I want to confront those Baby Swiss memories and piece together
What’s missing
I wonder,
Does it really matter?

So much can happen in a decade….10, 20, 30,


NaPoWriMo – Day 2

The prompt for the second day of NaPoWriMo was to write a poem that tells a lie.  Which is a GREAT prompt for me.  Once upon a time I was a prolific teller of untruths.  Unfortunately I spent the day running about.  I desperately needed groceries (there was a lack of Honey Nut Cheerios in our Pantry) and then in the afternoon a long walk with a friend.  The day slipped by without even the smallest amount of writing.

My mantra for this challenge is …
           “The only way to write a Poem is to Write a poem.”
I need to become more intentional with writing. (and my running)

Two labels I want for myself
1. A runner
2. A writer

Therefore I must run and I must write.

Here is to day 3.

NAPoWriMo – Day 1

Today’s prompt for the first day of


National Poetry Writing Month 2013

is to write a poem with the same first line as another poem.

I happened to be reading T.S. Eliot’s “The Naming of Cats” at the time so I decided to go with that.

After a writing a poem that contained the name of every Cat I have ever had the pleasure of living with (which was fun to write but entirely unsharable) I came up with this.

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
Writing a Poem is impossible;
At least writing a Good Poem is.


Posted a day late. (sigh)